Well, the end of the school year this year was not like most! For me, I had plans to be an adult leader for our Church's youth mission trip on Sunday, June 9. Our last day of school was supposed to be the 11th of June. That meant I had Monday June 3-Friday 7 of that week to pack up my classroom super quick, unfortunately, with kiddos still in the classroom), make sure everything was off the walls in my classroom because it is getting painted this summer AND finish report cards!!!
Not only that...
I still had to pack for the mission trip and I was playing softball Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights!!!! But wait, there is more...I am on the Relay for Life committee in our community and I am the Luminaria chair. That means I had to type up a list of all luminarias sold for Relay AND write out each luminaria bag that was purchased with the Honoree's name and who they were honored by! This needed to all be done by Friday of that week also because Relay was Friday night!!! So to say I was a little sTrEeSsEd, that would have been an understatement.
I was bound and determined to get this all done...because I HAD to! But also because I don't like leaving unfinished!
So, here I am freaking on out Monday of the last full week with kids...HOW WILL I GET IT ALL DONE!!! AHHHHHH!!!
TUESDAY CAME and WENT in the classroom....
as I was getting ready to head to my softball game, my husband called me from his softball game and told me I better get over there because he "jacked up" his knee.
So I call my team and tell them I am unable to make it because I have to go check on my husband. I get there and he can't walk and found out he was CARRIED off the field. Oh NO!!! So we got him to the car and off to the ER we go.
Tibial Plateau Fracture...probably going to need surgery!
YIKES! Poor Fella!
So, they put him in a half-cast until we can get to the orthopedic surgeon...which would be that Friday. He couldn't bend his knee, couldn't put pressure on it and could basically do nothing without help. I had to call off the rest of that week to take care of my husband. Although I didn't mind taking the time off to care for him, in the back of my mind I was thinking...my room isn't packed up, report cards aren't done and when am I going to get these Luminaria's written out...I haven't even packed! AHHH!
Well, the orthopedic surgeon said,
YES, SURGERY and he would do that on Monday morning...
YES, SURGERY and he would do that on Monday morning...
which meant NO MISSION TRIP to Memphis. But, we did go and send them off...
As I have said over and over, God had his own mission for me, and it wasn't to Memphis with the Youth Mission Group (thankfully we had other leaders able to go) but my mission was to stay home, help my husband and to grow closer to him and not stress about the end of the school year!
So, although I was stressed at first, everything calmed down, the report cards got done and handed out (I made it in at the very end of the last day to say goodbye to my kinders...thankfully) and the Luminaria's got written and taken to the track for Relay For Life! It all worked out! And so I must learn to take Pete the Cat's advice...Do I get upset??? Goodness, No! I just keep moving along and singing my song! And remember, that the good Lord always knows best!
So this my friends has been the start to my summer...a little crazy, but worth it in the long run! I have learned that not only do teachers not get paid enough...neither do nurses...being a full time "nurse" has wore me out and taken much of my time! It is going to be a long road to recovery and he still needs lots of help but with patience and love, we will get through this together!
Have a great summer! And BE CAREFUL out there!